Our Signature CLEAR SKIN Bootcamp Program
is the right one for you if...

You keep getting prescriptions that don’t work!
Tried Proactive and still breaking out?
Considered going on Accutane, but think it’s too risky?
Want clear skin?
Products alone will not solve your problem.
Ask your acne specialist’s expert guidance."
"If you are suffering from acne, then it’s time for real answers."
E SKIN Forté Clear Skin Boot camp Treatment program actually works and has 97% success rate.
The program requires patience, commitment, and compliance with home care and office visits.
Their Journey

During Your Initial Visit

Your initial appointment includes a full consultation and a treatment. Initial appointments generally take around 1.5 hours to complete.
You will complete a comprehensive questionnaire and your skin will be evaluated
We'll do a thorough skin analysis to determine the best in office and home care for you based on what type of acne you have.
You will be provided with a packet of useful information regarding products, diet, other factors that contributes to acne.
You will receive guidance on lifestyle changes you may need to consider to help get clear faster
You will have some preliminary pictures taken for your records
Your skin will be tested for sensitivities.
Product recommendations with specific instructions to ensure that we keep your skin's integrity.
You will receive a professional acne treatment which includes exfoliation and extractions.
We combine the power of chiral correct skincare products that are customized for your type of acne and skin with an in-office acne treatment series that facilitates clear skin and gets rid of pimples and blemishes.

Bi-weekly Skincare Modification
Using chiral correct and acne safe skincare that need to be applied by a professional, your skin is treated to facilitate your process of clearing. The reason for treatments are six-fold:
To monitor your progress and make changes to your home-care as needed.
To exfoliate the skin so that home-care products can penetrate the pore more easily.
To lighten dark spots (if you have them) that are caused by acne lesions.
To hydrate the skin so that the skin is receptive to your home-care regimen.
To extract existing acne impactions.
To kill acne bacteria inside the pore.
**Note: Expect to pay $175 to $200 on average, for your first set of homecare products . You will be given these products at your first appointment or approximately one week to follow. This acne regimen will give you approximately 2+ months worth of products; however, we will adjust some products as your treatment progresses, requiring additional product purchases. To clear acne, you need clinical-strength products that are designed to penetrate the pore, exfoliate the dead skin cells and kill the acne bacteria.
Keen Cutis Clinical is chiral correct skin care products containing the highest concentrations of active ingredients you can find without a prescription. These products are specifically curated for acneic skin and are formulated with non-comedogenic ingredients and won't clog your pores.

Treatment Plan
Professional acne treatments by your Acne Specialist will help you to get rid of acne and clear your skin more quickly than with just products alone. We also want to closely monitor your skin making sure that we are “pushing’ your skin to clear but not so much that your skin gets irritated. We are your partners in this process, working together so you can have clear skin as quickly as possible.
In-office Treatment
Each acne treatment has a specific focus for what the skin needs at the time of treatment. Sometimes the skin will need more hydration, other times it will need more anti-bacterial and/or anti-inflammatory action. I will analyze your skin at the beginning of every treatment to assess which treatment would serve you best. Treatments are performed every two weeks until your skin clears. Usually that takes anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks.
Bi-weekly Homecare Modification
Following your first appointment, you will be scheduled for a regular series of treatments. Each subsequent treatment will be adjusted for your needs, as your acne begins to clear. Treatments take 45mins. of time and cost $175. Additionally modifications will be made to your home care regimen as needed. These adjustments insure that that products continue to work and are beneficial to your condition.